Thursday, September 1, 2011


It is amazing how observant, sneaky, and smart my son is.  Just when I feel that I am one or two steps ahead of him, he proves me wrong.  For example:  Passwords.  There has been numerous of times that my son has figured out my password and at one time, create his own against me.  My satellite was one of them.  I had to call the satellite company and explain that my son changed the password and I am not able to get into it now.  Of course, they found that to be funny and asked me how he got my password.  My phone is an other one.  I have two types of passwords for my phone.  1.  To get into the phone and 2. For my apps and settings.  I allow for my son to use my phone, because he loves to listen to music and play games, but as I soon found out, he also loves to change my ringtones and settings.  He found this one ringtone that simulated the paramedics, sirens, and the dispatcher.  Well, he had this clever idea to use this ringtone as my alarm and not tell me about it.  I have my alarm set to go off at a certain time and I do not bother to look into it.  Well, the plus of that ringtone is, it will wake you up, and quick.  The downside of it - it about gave me a heart attack when it went off.  It is very loud and very convincing.  I woke up with this OMG look on my face, sleep in my eyes and disorientated (from sleep), thinking who called the police and what was going on.  It was indeed a shocker for me.  When my son heard it go off, he came to me with this pride in his eyes and asked me if I liked my new ringtone.  I said, "oh yeah, Adriel.  It sure woke mamma up.  Scared me too."  He went on to his business and laughed about it.  So, now every time I enter my password to anything that is password protected, I have to make sure he is not over my shoulder, he is not watching my finger movements, and that he is not around.  

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